Wilds.io Wiki

Picking up items from an item pedestal

Here is a list of all items on wilds.io

All items can be generated on Item Pedestals or in Item Containers. Items may be used once and can be picked up indefinitely even if the players item slots are full.

Items may be thrown out of the Player's Inventory by holding the key you'd typically use to use that item. This is helpful for trading with other players, or trading with the shops scattered throughout certain game modes.

Items thrown on the ground or left too long on a pedestal will disappear after a while.


There are four types of potions in wilds.io:

Health Potion

2017-04-10 (4)

A haste potion in use.

Haste Potion

Stamina Potion

Mirage Potion

Throwable Objects[]

There are three types of throwable items:


2017-04-10 (3)

A grappling hook in use.


Grappling Hook


Placeable items[]

Currently, the only placeable item is the bomb:


2017-04-14 (14)

A thrown grenade.

2017-04-10 (13)

A dropped bomb.


There are 4* consumables currently in game excluding Easter eggs from the Easter Event, Pumpkin Head from the Halloween Event and Presents from the Christmas Event (Currently in-game). Consumables are items that you walk into and auto-magically use (Note: Not auto use potions)

2017-04-10 (12)

A full set of armor.

*Coins may be considered as consumable items, but they won't impact gameplay, they only allow you to buy equipment.
